Sialorrhoea has many different names, such as drooling, excessive salivation, watering of the mouth or ptyalism.

Does drooling impact your life?

When you or a loved one live with a neurological condition, having access to the right information is important. 

This website provides information to help you better understand severe drooling in children with neurological disorders and how it impacts daily life.

For medical advice, you should contact your/the patient’s healthcare provider.

To see how sialorrhoea can affect a patient’s life, please watch the film using the link below.
cartoon drooling teddy bear in child's backpack as the child walks into school

What is drooling?

The medical definition of drooling is “excessive saliva flowing outside of the mouth unintentionally”. Drooling is considered severe when saliva wets clothing, meaning dribble bibs need to be worn, or the drooling interferes with your child’s daily activities and creates social challenges.

It is important to note that excessive salivation is considered normal in the first two years of life and when a person is sleeping.

Drooling after the age of four is unusual, often caused by weak or underdeveloped muscles around the mouth or excessive saliva.

What causes severe drooling in children?

There are several reasons why some children drool. It can be caused by medical conditions, developmental difficulties, or certain medications.

drooling teddy bear with saliva on its bib

What are the impacts of drooling?

We understand that excessive salivation can have a negative impact on a child and their family’s lives. Some families can experience social exclusion and discomfort as a consequence of drooling.

cartoon teddy bear left out from other toys playing together
cartoon stethoscope and doctors notes on a pale blue background

How is drooling assessed?

Healthcare professionals carry out a detailed assessment to determine the cause, severity and frequency of drooling and the impact excessive salivation has on day-to-day life.


How can drooling be managed?

Drooling in children with neurological disorders can be managed in several different ways, depending on the severity of your child’s drooling and other factors.

cartoon syringe, patch, medicine bottle and tables on a purple background
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Date of preparation: August 2023